
Last Partners’ Meeting

Between 30 and 31 August, the project partners met face-to-face for the last time in Valencia, Spain. They discussed the results of IO3 – Testing & implementation of workshops and the platform, during which GreenTeam content was presented to VET-school students from all partner countries. The partners also selected top 25 students who submitted the …

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Sixth project meeting

On 7 October the consortium held its 6th project meeting. The project partners met online and discussed the progress of the current project activities, final stages of work on IO1 and IO2, e-learning platform, planning the work on IO3, other further steps and preparations for the next face-to-face meeting in Greece.

Fifth project meeting

The consortium held its fifth project meeting online on 20 July 2022. We discussed the status of the current work and the final stages of work on IO1 and planned the next activities for IO2. We made an overview of the dissemination activities and planned them for the coming months.

Visiting the International Center for Self-Sufficiency Dole in slovenia

On the first day of our second Transnational project meeting in Maribor, Slovenia (19 May 2022) the project partners visited the International Center for Self-Sufficiency Dole (near Poljčane) as an example of integrated self-sufficiency and an example of good practice of integrating green competencies into the way of life. During the tour, that was led …

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